Dietary fibre includes the nutrients from plant foods that the human body cannot absorb or digest. Unlike the other food elements we consume—including proteins, carbohydrates, and fat—we are unable to digest fibre. Instead, in the process of digestion, it passes through the stomach, small, intestine and colon and is eliminated from the body relatively intact. At the same time, dietary fibre is essential for us in maintaining our health.
Fibre has two major classifications:
- Insoluble fibre, which does not dissolve in water, stimulates the passage of faecal matter through the body, and it can be especially beneficial for anyone dealing with irregularity or constipation. Wheat bran, whole wheat flour, and nuts, along with many vegetables, are all good sources for this kind of fibre.
- Soluble fibre, which does dissolve in water and produces a gel-like substance, can be helpful in lowering your blood glucose and cholesterol levels, It is found in apples, citrus fruits, oats beans, peas, psyllium, barley, and carrots.
These are some of the many benefits a diet high in fibre can provide:
1. It can help to normalize bowel movements by providing the digestive system with bulk, and in some cases it also helps relieve the condition known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
2. Fibre contributes to an individual's bowel health and integrity. A diet rich in fibre can reduce your risk of developing haemorrhoids or polyps in your colon that may become cancerous and require surgery.
3. It can help lower your "bad cholesterol" (known as lipoprotein), and clinical studies have revealed that increasing fibre in your diet reduces inflammation and blood pressure, which prevents coronary illness. Dietary fibre can also assist in controlling your blood sugar level. Soluble fibre in particular can slow your absorption of sugar, which is especially helpful to diabetics, and it can also lessen your risk of becoming diabetic.
4. Fibre contributes to weight loss. A high fibre diet causes us to spend more time in chewing our food, reduces hunger, and combats the tendency to overeat. In general, the foods in this category also contain fewer calories, while the portions tend to leave us feeling satisfied.
5. It also functions as an "intestinal broom" that sweeps away toxins in the process of digestion. Fibre is especially helpful to anyone suffering from constipation with symptoms that include bloating, torpidity, achiness and fatigue - all signs indicating that a person may be in a toxic state.
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